Physical Audit
Upon receipt of an audit request, we will diligently try to obtain an audit appointment within 30 days. We will make 3 attempts, the last one through the agent. Every audit is reviewed by our staff to assure the highest quality of audit possible. Our current time service for physical audits is 39 days from receipt or expiration date. Special attention is given to rush audits for cancellations, interim periods or as indicated by our clients.
Telephone Audit
Upon receipt of an audit request we will attempt to complete this audit via the telephone. We will make two attempts by phone. If there is no response by the insured, we will contact the agent and if there is no contact by the insured or agent within one week, the case will be sent back non-productive for the carrier to handle.
Hybrid Audit
Upon receipt of an audit request we will mail a form to the insured within one week. If we do not receive the completed form within 30 days we will send a second form marked final request. Once we have received the necessary information from the insured we will contact them to complete an interview and finalize the audit. If there is no response from the insured within another 30 days we will return the case non-productive for the client to handle.
Voluntary Letter Audit
Upon receipt of an audit request we will mail a form to the insured within one week. If we do not receive the completed form within 30 days we will send a second form marked final request. If there is no response from the insured within another 30 days we will return the case non-productive for the client to handle.